
Simple and lightweight key navigation utilities and components.

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<script type="module">
  import 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@blueprintui/[email protected]/include/keynav.js/+esm';
<bp-keynav loop layout="inline">


keynav follows the aria grid navitation patterns. keynav computes the number of columns by computing the number of items from the CSS property grid-template-columns. If the columns are dynamic you can explicity set the column count <bp-keynav columns="4">.

<script type="module">
  import 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@blueprintui/[email protected]/include/keynav.js/+esm';
<bp-keynav layout="grid" columns="4">


keynav has three directions: inline, block, and all. The default is inline. The block direction is useful for creating a vertical list of items. The loop attribute will loop the list of items when the user reaches the end of the list.

<script type="module">
  import 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@blueprintui/[email protected]/include/keynav.js/+esm';
<bp-keynav loop layout="block">