The accordion component is used to display a large amount of content in a small space. The accordion should be used to group related content together. The titles or headings of the accordion sections should be clear and concise, describing the content that will be revealed.
Expanded accordion panelExpanded accordion content
Disabled accordion headerDisabled accordion content
Collapsed accordionCollapsed accordion content
<script type="module">
import '@blueprintui/components/include/accordion.js';
<bp-accordion-panel expanded>
<bp-accordion-header>Expanded accordion panel</bp-accordion-header>
<p bp-text="content">Expanded accordion content</p>
<bp-accordion-header disabled>Disabled accordion header</bp-accordion-header>
<p bp-text="content">Disabled accordion content</p>
<bp-accordion-header>Collapsed accordion</bp-accordion-header>
<p bp-text="content">Collapsed accordion content</p>
import '@blueprintui/components/include/accordion.js';
<script type="module">
import '';
- Use clear, descriptive titles or headings for the accordion sections.
- Ensure keyboard navigation order is not disrupted.
- Provide an alternative way for users to access the content in the accordion sections, such as a "show all" or "expand all" button.
Name | Types | Description |
layer | 'flat' | 'container' | determines the visual layer style (container vs flat for nesting) |
Name | Types | Description |
layer | 'flat' | 'container' | determines the visual layer style (container vs flat for nesting) |
CSS Properties
Name | Types | Description |
--border-color |
| |
--border-width |
| |
--border-radius |
| |
Name | Types | Description |
default |
| slot for accordion panels |
Name | Types | Description |
expanded | boolean | determine if element is expanded |
Name | Types | Description |
expanded | boolean | determine if element is expanded |
Name | Types | Description |
default |
| slot for header and content |
bp-accordion-header |
| |
bp-accordion-content |
| |
Name | Types | Description |
pressed | boolean | turns the button into a toggle button |
selected | boolean | indicate the current "selected" state of various widgets |
readonly | boolean | makes the element not mutable, meaning the user can not interact with button |
disabled | boolean | determines if element is mutable or focusable |
type | 'button' | 'submit' | default behavior of the button |
name | string | represents the name of the current |
value | string | determines the current value |
popoverTargetElement | HTMLElement | |
popoverTargetAction | | 'toggle' | 'show' | 'hide' | |
popovertarget | string | |
form | HTMLFormElement | |
formAction | string | |
formEnctype | string | |
formMethod | string | |
formNoValidate | boolean | |
formTarget | string | |
labels | NodeListOf | |
validationMessage | string | |
validity | ValidityState | |
willValidate | boolean | |
checkValidity | any | |
reportValidity | any | |
setCustomValidity | any | |
formAssociated | boolean | |
Name | Types | Description |
pressed | boolean | turns the button into a toggle button |
selected | boolean | indicate the current "selected" state of various widgets |
expanded | boolean | indicate if a control is expanded or collapsed |
readonly | boolean | makes the element not mutable, meaning the user can not interact with button |
disabled | boolean | determines if element is mutable or focusable |
type | 'button' | 'submit' | default behavior of the button |
value | string | determines the current value |
popoverTargetElement | HTMLElement | |
popovertargetaction | | 'toggle' | 'show' | 'hide' | |
popovertarget | string | |
CSS Properties
Name | Types | Description |
--background |
| |
--color |
| |
--font-size |
| |
--padding |
| |
Name | Types | Description |
default |
| slot for header content |
CSS Properties
Name | Types | Description |
--color |
| |
--font-size |
| |
--font-weight |
| |
--background |
| |
Name | Types | Description |
default |
| slot for content |