Getting StartedInstallationChangelogSupportGithubIntegrationsAngularVueReactDemosFoundationThemesTypographyIconsPopoversInternationalizationDrag and DropKeyboard NavigationLayoutGetting StartedBlockInlineGridComponentsAccordionAlertAlert GroupBadgeBreadcrumbButtonButton GroupButton ExpandButton HandleButton IconButton ResizeButton SortCardChatCheckboxColorData GridDateDialogDividerDrawerDropdownFileFormat DatetimeFormat NumberFormsForm InteractionsForm ValidationHeaderInputMenuMonthNavPaginationPasswordProgress BarProgress CircleProgress DotRadioRangeRatingSearchSelectStepperSwitchTabsTagTextareaTimeToastToggletipTooltipTreeData GridGetting StartedFooterPlaceholderAsyncResponsiveHeightPaginationBordersHoverLayerRange SelectionCSVClipboardColumn AlignmentColumn WidthColumn FixedColumn StickyColumn VisibilityColumn GroupsColumn SpanColumn ResizeDraggable ColumnsDraggable RowsRow HeaderRow Multi SelectRow Single SelectRow HeightRow ActionRow Action BulkRow StickyRow StripeRow FixedRow SortRow Groups


Blueprint Typography provides an out-of-the-box tool kit for consistent type styles. BlueprintUI Typography can be used standalone of other BlueprintUI components and utilities.

  • Automatic contrast adjustment
  • Semantic size types for enhanced readability
  • Responsive sizing for optimal display
  • Text transformation capabilities
  • Customizable theming options


npm install @blueprintui/typography
@import '@blueprintui/typography/index.min.css';


The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)
The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)
The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)
<div bp-layout="block gap:md">
  <h1 bp-text="heading">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)</h1>
  <h2 bp-text="subheading">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)</h2>
  <h3 bp-text="section">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)</h3>
  <h4 bp-text="subsection">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)</h4>
  <h5 bp-text="content">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)</h5>
  <h6 bp-text="message">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)</h6>
  <h6 bp-text="caption">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)</h6>


align start

align center

align end

<div bp-layout="block gap:md inline:stretch">
  <p bp-text="content start">align start</p>
  <p bp-text="content center">align center</p>
  <p bp-text="content end">align end</p>


The five boxing wizards jump quickly (banner)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)


The five boxing wizards jump quickly (banner)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)


The five boxing wizards jump quickly (banner)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)

<div bp-layout="block gap:lg">
  <div bp-layout="block gap:md">
    <p bp-text="banner">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (banner)</p>
    <p bp-text="heading">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)</p>
    <p bp-text="subheading">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)</p>
    <p bp-text="section">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)</p>
    <p bp-text="subsection">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)</p>
    <p bp-text="content">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)</p>
    <p bp-text="message">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)</p>
    <p bp-text="caption">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)</p>
  <div bp-layout="block gap:md">
    <h2 bp-text="banner size:sm">Small</h2>
    <p bp-text="banner size:sm">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (banner)</p>
    <p bp-text="heading size:sm">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)</p>
    <p bp-text="subheading size:sm">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)</p>
    <p bp-text="section size:sm">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)</p>
    <p bp-text="subsection size:sm">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)</p>
    <p bp-text="content size:sm">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)</p>
    <p bp-text="message size:sm">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)</p>
    <p bp-text="caption size:sm">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)</p>
  <div bp-layout="block gap:md">
    <h2 bp-text="banner size:lg">Large</h2>
    <p bp-text="banner size:lg">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (banner)</p>
    <p bp-text="heading size:lg">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)</p>
    <p bp-text="subheading size:lg">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)</p>
    <p bp-text="section size:lg">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)</p>
    <p bp-text="subsection size:lg">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)</p>
    <p bp-text="content size:lg">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)</p>
    <p bp-text="message size:lg">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)</p>
    <p bp-text="caption size:lg">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)</p>

Static Size


The five boxing wizards jump quickly (banner)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)


The five boxing wizards jump quickly (banner)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)

<div bp-layout="block gap:lg">
  <div bp-layout="block gap:md">
    <h2 bp-text="banner size:static">Static</h2>
    <p bp-text="banner size:static">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (banner)</p>
    <p bp-text="heading size:static">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)</p>
    <p bp-text="subheading size:static">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)</p>
    <p bp-text="section size:static">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)</p>
    <p bp-text="subsection size:static">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)</p>
    <p bp-text="content size:static">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)</p>
    <p bp-text="message size:static">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)</p>
    <p bp-text="caption size:static">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)</p>
  <div bp-layout="block gap:md">
    <h2 bp-text="banner">Default</h2>
    <p bp-text="banner">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (banner)</p>
    <p bp-text="heading">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)</p>
    <p bp-text="subheading">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)</p>
    <p bp-text="section">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)</p>
    <p bp-text="subsection">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)</p>
    <p bp-text="content">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)</p>
    <p bp-text="message">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)</p>
    <p bp-text="caption">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)</p>

Auto Contrast

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)

<div bp-layout="block gap:md" style="--background: #2d2d2d; background: var(--background)">
  <p bp-text="heading">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)</p>
  <p bp-text="subheading">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)</p>
  <p bp-text="section">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)</p>
  <p bp-text="subsection">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)</p>
  <p bp-text="content">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)</p>
  <p bp-text="message">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)</p>
  <p bp-text="caption">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)</p>
<div bp-layout="block gap:md" style="--background: #f2f2f2; background: var(--background)">
  <p bp-text="heading">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (heading)</p>
  <p bp-text="subheading">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subheading)</p>
  <p bp-text="section">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (section)</p>
  <p bp-text="subsection">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (subsection)</p>
  <p bp-text="content">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (content)</p>
  <p bp-text="message">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (message)</p>
  <p bp-text="caption">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (caption)</p>


The five boxing wizards jump quickly (fill)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (default)

<div bp-layout="block gap:md">
  <p bp-text="content fill">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (fill)</p>
  <p bp-text="content">The five boxing wizards jump quickly (default)</p>
link link link

link in a paragraph

link in a heading

<div bp-layout="block gap:md">
  <a href="#" bp-text="link">link</a>
  <a href="#" bp-text="link">link</a>
  <a href="#" bp-text="link">link</a>
  <p bp-text="content"><a href="#" bp-text="link">link</a> in a paragraph</p>
  <h2 bp-text="heading"><a href="#" bp-text="link">link</a> in a heading</h2>


  • list item
  • list item
  • list item
  • list item
  1. list item
  2. list item
  3. list item
  4. list item
<div bp-layout="block gap:md">
  <ul bp-text="list">
    <li>list item</li>
    <li>list item</li>
    <li>list item</li>
    <li>list item</li>
  <ol bp-text="list">
    <li>list item</li>
    <li>list item</li>
    <li>list item</li>
    <li>list item</li>


The five boxing wizards jump quickly (bold)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (italic)

The five boxing wizards jump quickly (code)

npm install -g @blueprintui/typography
<div bp-layout="block gap:md">
  <p bp-text="content">The five <span bp-text="bold">boxing wizards</span> jump quickly (bold)</p>

  <p bp-text="content">The five <span bp-text="italic">boxing wizards</span> jump quickly (italic)</p>

  <p bp-text="content">The five <span bp-text="code">boxing wizards</span> jump quickly (code)</p>

  <pre bp-text="code:block"><code>npm install -g @blueprintui/typography</code></pre>


text title case (capitalize)

Text uppercase (uppercase)

Text Lowercase (lowercase)

<div bp-layout="block gap:md">
  <p bp-text="content capitalize">text title case (capitalize)</p>
  <p bp-text="content uppercase">Text uppercase (uppercase)</p>
  <p bp-text="content lowercase">Text Lowercase (lowercase)</p>