The progress bar component displays the progress of a task, usually on a scale from 0 to 100%. It can be used to show the progress of a download, upload, form completion, or any other process that can be represented as a percentage.
<script type="module">
import '@blueprintui/components/include/progress-bar.js';
<div bp-layout="block gap:xs">
<bp-progress-bar value="75"></bp-progress-bar>
<bp-progress-bar value="75" status="accent"></bp-progress-bar>
<bp-progress-bar value="75" status="success"></bp-progress-bar>
<bp-progress-bar value="75" status="warning"></bp-progress-bar>
<bp-progress-bar value="75" status="danger"></bp-progress-bar>
Progress Bar Indeterminate
<div bp-layout="block gap:xs">
<bp-progress-bar status="accent"></bp-progress-bar>
<bp-progress-bar status="success"></bp-progress-bar>
<bp-progress-bar status="warning"></bp-progress-bar>
<bp-progress-bar status="danger"></bp-progress-bar>
import '@blueprintui/components/include/progress-bar.js';
<script type="module">
import '';
- Provide a label that accurately describes the purpose of the progress bar
- Use a visually distinguishable color to show the progress of the task
- Ensure the contrast ratio between the bar color and its background is high enough to meet accessibility standards
- Provide alternative text to describe the progress bar for users who use screen readers
Name | Types | Description |
i18n | | set default aria/i18n strings |
min | number | defines the most negative value in the range of permitted values |
max | number | defines the greatest value in the range of permitted values |
value | number | null | undefined | determines initial value of the control |
status | 'accent' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'danger' | determine the visual status state |
Name | Types | Description |
i18n | | set default aria/i18n strings |
min | number | defines the most negative value in the range of permitted values |
max | number | defines the greatest value in the range of permitted values |
value | number | null | undefined | determines initial value of the control |
status | 'accent' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'danger' | determine the visual status state |
CSS Properties
Name | Types | Description |
--color | | |