To use BlueprintUI in React be sure to follow the getting started guide and installation. Using the @lit-labs/react
library will enable React wrapper components to bridge the gap between React and native custom elements.
import * as React from 'react';
import { createComponent } from '@lit-labs/react';
export const BpButton = createComponent({ tagName: 'bp-button', elementClass: Button, react: React });
<BpButton>hello there</BpButton>
Once the component is created it can be exported and used througout your application.
import * as React from 'react';
import { createComponent } from '@lit-labs/react';
import { BpButton as Button } from '@blueprintui/components/button';
import { BpAlert as Alert, BpAlertGroup as AlertGroup } from '@blueprintui/components/alert';
import '@blueprintui/components/include/alert.js';
import '@blueprintui/components/include/button.js';
export const BpButton = createComponent({ tagName: 'bp-button', elementClass: Button, react: React });
export const BpAlertGroup = createComponent({ tagName: 'bp-alert-group', elementClass: AlertGroup, react: React });
export const BpAlert = createComponent({ tagName: 'bp-alert', elementClass: Alert, react: React, events: { onClose: 'close' } });
export default function App() {
const [showAlert, setShowAlert] = React.useState(false);
return (
<div bp-layout="block gap:md">
<BpButton onClick={() => setShowAlert(!showAlert)}>hello there</BpButton>
{showAlert ? (
<BpAlertGroup status="success" hidden={!showAlert}>
<BpAlert closable onClose={() => setShowAlert(false)}>General Kenobi...</BpAlert>
) : null}